Akula Bulli swamy



Akula Bulli Swamy  was born in a farmer family on 22nd April 1904 in Edarada East godavari district Andhra pradesh. He was the youngest son (9th one) of Mr&Mrs Mallayah and Papayamma. 

Though he had studied only till 4th class he could communicate fluently well in Telugu, Hindi, English, Sanskrit and urdu. He used to play harmony and tabla too.

He translated Kalidasa’s Megha Sandesam into english poetry. And had placed in OXFORD university as non-detailed.

From the age of 10 he was influenced by the freedom fighters speeches and he slowly started his journey towards INDIAN FREEDOM MOVEMENT. He actively participated in SALT SATYARAHA and all movements against the British Govt. He was imprisoned 3 times and he was in Rayavellore prison for 4 years. 

His association with the then chief minister Tanguturi  Prakasam  pantulu was like an eternal saga.

He met Mahatma Gandhi during his visit to East Godavari and Gandhiji appreciated his attitude and his participation. 

He was very close to the first finance and law minister for state of Andhra Tenneti Viswanadham, they both were very good friends.

Bulli Swamy played vital role in PRAJA PARTY and he continued with this party until his last breath. Post independence he worked as political PA to Mr.Prakasam Pantulu. And Andhra Kesari liked his companionship.

He served as the village president of Edarada for 2 times. During his tenure he developed Edarada a lot. For the first time roads were laid in the village in his period. He was one of the committee members which was instrumental  to establish RAZOLE DEGREE COLLEGE. In 1972 on the occasion of 25th Independence day Mr.Bulli Swamy was awarded with TAMRA PATRA.

He simply rejected the pension and property which was given to the freedom fighters, stated that "I just fought for my MOTHER INDIA not for pension and all".

In 1983 January 13th Bulli Swamy had merged into the infinity, with great esteem, some of his followers from Edarada, Sivakodu and  Razole had restored Mr.Bulli Swamy statue in Razole village. In Razole one of the street name is BULLI SWAMY GARI VEEDHI And we can see his name on GANNAVARM ACQUEDUCT.

From all over INDIA so many had fought for Mother india's freedom. Bulli Swamy's dedication and determination to get freedom for our mother land from the British clutches is one such inspiring story.

He did not marry and sacrificed his entire life for the welfare of the society and truly can it be said that he had no other family but the people whom he served. 

This made him a true LEGEND.

No doubt Bulli Swamy with all his patriotism stands tall as an icon of inspiration to this generation.

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