T.Ethirajula Naidu - Ayurveda Ratna (ఆయుర్వేద రత్న)

Ayurveda Ratna  T. R. Ethirajulu Naidu of Madras is a famous Ayurvedic Physician, who is a specialist in the treatment of appendicitis by the use of indigenous medicines, without the aid of any kind of surgical operation. 

Born of respectable Balija parents , he was educated in the Christian College, Madras, and had a bright student career. But young Ethira-julu Naidu lost his father suddenly' and had to take up an appointment to maintain his large family. He joined the Traffic Manager's Office of the Madras Railway Company, where he was gradually promoted to responsible offices. He studied English medicine under Mr. V. C. Subramanyam, Mudaliar , an able Sub-Assistant Surgeon and the Ayurvedic Science under the late Tiruvayar Srinivasa Pandit, the famous State Physician of the Tanjore Saniasthanam. Srinivasa Pandit admired the smartness and industry of Mr. Ethirajulu Naidu and taught him the Ayurvedic Science in a masterly way in a few years. After the demise of Srinivasa Pandit, Mr. Ethirajulu Naidu have up his Railway service owing to the pressure of his professional work and established his now popular Dispensary, known as Jeeva Rakshaturita Vaidya Sala at 7, A►alur Muthiah Mudali Street, Georgetown, Madras. 

శ్రీ టి. ఆర్. ఎతిరాజులు నాయుడు గారు (1870 - ) బ్రిటిష్ ప్రభుత్వం భారతదేశాన్ని పరిపాలిస్తున్న కాలంలో 100 ఏండ్ల పూర్వం మద్రాసు ప్రెసిడెన్సీ లో ప్రఖ్యాత ఆయుర్వేద వైద్యులు. "ఆయుర్వేద రత్న" బిరుదాంకితులు, బలిజ నాయుడు కులస్తులు. మద్రాసు పట్టణ వాస్తవ్యులు, 1870 కాలంలో జన్మించిన శ్రీ టి. ఆర్. ఎతిరాజులు నాయుడు గారు చరిత్ర.

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