(Lines 11-24). 

Hail! They who are adorned by a multitude of numerous virtues ob tained by following the religion of the Five-hundred Heroic Men renowned in the whole world; who are virtuous by reason of the maintenance of the code of the heroic Banañjas consisting of truthfulness, pure conduct, agreeable behaviour, political wisdom, courtesy and (mercantile) knowledge

who look splendid with (their) banner bearing (the device of) Gudda (hill), who are exalted with (their) unfaibing adventurous spirit; who are embraced by Lady Fame; 

whose breast is resorted to by the Goddess of Victory secured by their own arms; who are born in the race of Vasudeva, Khandali and Mulabhadra

who are exalted by their valour in the (whole) world; 

who have obtained the gracious boon of Bhagavati;

who are invincible when they fight
who destroy their enemies; 
who abstain from the wives and property of others; 

who are 
like Brahma in respect of proficiency of the sixty-four arts;
like Nārāyana in the possession of a chakra (discus, or association);
Like Rudra who is the Fire of World destruction in slaying their opponents) by their gaze; 
like Parasurama in seeking out and des troying slayers by (their) weapons; 
like a rut-blind scent-elephant in trampling underfoot and slaying (their opponents)
like a lion in seizing and slaying those that take shelter in mountain fastnesses; 
like (the serpent) Vasuki in destroying those that enter the nether world; 
like Garuda in slaying those that fly in the sky; 
like the earth in greatness, like the chief mountains in weighti ness (gravity); like the occan in profundity; 
like Rama in perservence; 
like Arjuna in valour; 
like Bhishma in purity of conduct; 
like Bhima in adventurous spirit; 
like Yudhishthira in righte ousness; 
like Sahadeva in scientific) knowledge; 
like Indra in enjoyment; 
like Karna in charity; 
like the Sun in brilliance 

(they) who are the lords of the city of Ayyavole also known as Ahichchhatra, namely, the Five-hundred Svamins, the Gavares, the Gatriyas, the Settis, the Settiguttas, the gamandas, the Gamanda-Svamins,

The heroic men, the heroic merchants, Bilpana setti, and Govinda-setti of Kollapura, Komara-Annamayya, Bijja-setti and Boppi-setti of Miriñje, Vesapayya-setti, the royal merchant of Gaṇḍarāditya, Bammi-setti of the Manda lesvara's (i.e. Nimbadēvarasa's) household, Rava-setti, who is the Government Officer in charge of the temple of the Sun in Kundipattana, Chaudhore Bappi-setti, Kannapaiya setti, the Chief of Torambarage, Choudhore Goravi-setti, the Manager of Mayisige, Santi-Setti of Baleyavaṭṭana, Haliya-setti, the lion of the Five-hundred of Ayyavole, Khapparayya, the Sheriff of Kavadegolla and others representing the whole country, having assembled

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